White House To Impose 1-Day Lockdown On Tuesday So They Can Take Credit For All 158 Million Jobs Coming Back On Wednesday

White House To Impose 1-Day Lockdown On Tuesday So They Can Take Credit For All 158 Million Jobs Coming Back On Wednesday

WASHINGTON, DC—For those in need of some positive economic news, fictional president Joe Biden will mandate a lockdown of all businesses for one day starting on Tuesday. When asked, Biden said the stay-at-home order was because “The monkey pop is coming, and no one’s butt is safe.”  But skeptics believe the real reason was given…

Kamala Harris Vows To Bring Back Manufacturing And Womanufacturing Jobs

Kamala Harris Vows To Bring Back Manufacturing And Womanufacturing Jobs

WASHINGTON, DC – On Wednesday, Kamala Harris virtue signaled so hard she nearly brought down a nearby 747 airliner.  Harris’s latest signal that radiated forth was her new commitment to bringing back both manufacturing and womanufacturing jobs. “As Democrats have shown, China and Mexico can have those stinky manufacturing jobs.  But they can never take…