It was quite a gaffe from Elizabeth Warren on Friday night. In the recent Democratic debate, the Senator accidentally answered a moderator’s question without some made-up, stupid little story. As everyone knows, the long-standing Democrat tradition is to pretend that a recent exchange with a lowly peasant on the campaign trail showed them the answer to any debate question presented. But the Warren campaign is hoping the following exchange is quickly forgotten:
Stephanopoulos: “Senator Warren, do you think that Donald Trump is an existential threat?”
Warren: “Yes, I do.”
As the audience gasped, Bernie Sanders was quick to call the foul.
“Sound the buzzer!” Sanders hollered. “She didn’t answer in the form of some stupid little story!”
Warren, realizing her blunder, quickly tried to correct herself. “Oh! Ummm. Ah, yes. When I was in an Iowa diner, a young, crippled Mexican woman told me—”
“NOPE! TOO LATE!” Sanders yelled cutting her off. “Since I caught it, I should get two of her delegates!” he said slapping his podium.
Per DNC rules, Warren will be forced to carpool with Joe Biden down to South Carolina.
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