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Mitt Romney's Dog Disappointed and Shocked at How Hero Dog Conducts Himself

Mitt Romney's Dog Disappointed and Shocked at How Hero Dog Conducts Himself

The Special Operations K-9 who helped in the killing of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has been nicknamed “Hero Dog” and is being praised by almost everyone.

Yet in the wake of Hero Dog’s positive press, Mitt Romney’s outspoken dog, Poof, is not impressed.

“Pffff. What’s the big deal?” Poof snarled. “Look, I think it’s good that Baghdadi is dead, but the way Hero Dog conducts himself? NO THANK YOU! I would have taken out Baghdadi with so much more class and elegance it would’ve made your head spin. I just didn’t feel like it.”

While it’s not getting much press, many other prominent dogs agree with Poof. Meghan McCain’s Border Collie, ‘Flippy’ and John Kasich’s Cocker Spaniel, ‘Stuffy’, are both fuming at Hero Dog’s brash and unconventional demeanor.

“Right now dogs are battling for the soul of the animal kingdom and Hero Dog is setting us back BIG TIME!” snapped Flippy flopping down in exasperation.

Speaking to a room full of cats, Kasich’s dog, Stuffy explained, “Listen, if Hero Dog is now the leader of K-9s, I won’t support it. I will be forced to join your ranks.”

The cats gave Stuffy a passing nod of approval but clawed him to death soon thereafter.

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