Understandably exhausted from spying on the Trump campaign, Former President Barack Obama has mostly stayed out of the spotlight lately.
However, last week Obama shocked Democrats as he basically admitted to being a Russian agent by questioning the effectiveness of cancel culture.
While speaking at an event for his foundation, Obama explained: “The world is messy.
Sometimes, if you disagree with someone, screaming at them, weeping and trying to get them fired isn’t all that effective.”
Despite the audience gasping, Obama continued.
“True activism is not putting on a ski mask and charging into crowds of people wielding a crowbar. That’s not bringing about change,” the former President concluded.
The students were horrified at Obama’s radical remarks, but many were more upset that the man they loved so dearly is a Russian agent.
“Can you believe this?” a furious 20-year-old girl asked. “First Trump, then Tulsi Gabbard, then everyone who I disagree with AND NOW OBAMA?!” she screamed putting on her ski mask.
Naturally, Obama was canceled within minutes of these remarks and is now considered a leading member of the Alt-Right.
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