The walls are closing in on Donald Trump for the 214th time as The New York Times was lucky enough to stumble across the President’s taxes the day before the first presidential debate. The bombshell the Times unleashed captivated Americans for over eight seconds—a record in the Trump era.
The report showed then citizen, Donald Trump, only paid the taxes that he owed. We’re going to repeat that so the gravity of this revelation can truly sink in. Only what he owed. Not a nickel more.
While hundreds of millions of voters find that to be reasonable, two voters were discovered that do not.
The two voters were quickly gathered by CNN and interviewed (at gunpoint) by Anderson Cooper.
“So you guys overpay in taxes, but why doesn’t Donald Trump?” Cooper asked.
Immediately, one of the men stood up while taking his microphone off his sweater.
“Awe, Damn it! I overpaid?!” he screamed while calling his local H&R Block.
The other voter, however, spent over fifty minutes explaining how evil it was for Donald Trump to only pay what he owed. Eventually, Anderson Cooper’s hour ended and he had to pass the programming over to Chris Cuomo.
The voter then pulled off his fake mustache and Chris Cuomo began his show in a flawless transition.
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