Early Wednesday morning, a frightening video surfaced on social media that shows a violent attack on Senator, Bernie Sanders.
The video appears to show the Senator playfully tap a speed bag. And then–WHAM! The speed bag charges back with a vicious attack.
Take a look:
Shortly following the attack, many passionate Bernie voters raised a big fuss. The phrase #HowDareYouBag and #BagMustPay began trending on Twitter.
Soon the pressure forced the local authorities to take the speed bag in for questioning. After refusing to answer any questions, hate crime charges were officially filed.
“We’re fairly certain this bag is a part of the Alt-right,” the Chief of Police said. “At the very least, he attacked Bernie because he believes in capitalism.”
The Senator was treated at the scene and is currently resting. However, he was able to issue the following statement:
“What a terrible day. That speed bag clearly follows this President’s philosophy of, when punched, punch back twice as hard. Just another example of this President attacking those with whom he disagrees.”
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