
Philadelphia Election Officials: Poll Watchers Were Able To Watch Via Google Earth

Philadelphia Election Officials: Poll Watchers Were Able To Watch Via Google Earth

Pennsylvania election officials have explained that any numbers of poll watchers were able to watch the top of the Convention Center using Google Earth.

“The idea that people weren’t allowed to oversee us is absurd.  You could literally oversee the whole darn building with just a few clicks,” said the state’s Director of Midnight Ballot Manufacturing.  “In a way, I’d say this is the most transparent election in US history.”

Eventually, Trump’s frustrated poll watchers logged on to Google Earth and zoomed in towards the building.  Unsurprisingly, there was so much voter fraud going on in the building, a small skylight allowed them to capture over 100,000 fraudulent ballots processed on high definition video.  

“We’ve heard of this video and it’s totally preposterous!” said the Biden team after the footage went viral.  “Look, when you click refresh, you can clearly see Twitter banned the person who uploaded it.  So you see?  The evidence has been properly destroyed.”

A thrilled Jake Tapper then yelled from the studio, “YES!  Our streak of zero-proof-of-voter-fraud claim continues, you guys!  It’s kinda like whack-a-mole, but we’re still at zero!” 

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