Democrats Know: Blue-Collar Voters Will Vote For Whoever’s Sleeves Are Rolled Up Highest

Democrats Know: Blue-Collar Voters Will Vote For Whoever’s Sleeves Are Rolled Up Highest

After hundreds of hours in focus groups and talking with media elites, the Democrat candidates believe they finally understand what blue collar voters want: to see their sleeves rolled up.

“Liberals are so sick of that out-of-touch man in the White House, they seem willing to show a ton of forearm to those..those coal miners and.. yucky factory people,” said CNN’s Brian Stelter said with a shutter.

“After a ton of research with our media friends, we can confirm blue collar voters want three things: guns, gas guzzling trucks and a politician rolling up their sleeves when talking to them,” Stelter said. “And I hear the current batch of democrats are willing to do the sleeve thing”.

Skeptics would say working class Americans are not at all impressed with seeing a politician’s forearms, and that liberals should instead explain policies that improve their lives—something Donald Trump did during the 2016 election.

“I always hear these pathetic and desperate rural voters say us politicians have never done a day of real work,” Beto O’Rourke said. “So I’ll show em’ by REALLY rolling these suckers up!” he said while frantically rolling up his sleeves and then eventually ripping them off.

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