This week, a CNN insider blew his whistle all over the place and his findings are shocking no one.
“I decided to wear a GoPro helmet and hold a boom mic around as I openly recorded high-level executives share how bias they were,” former contractor, Cary Poarch told Project Veritas.
While Cary’s findings were run-of-the-mill Trump slander, the undercover video did show a shocking exchange between CNN President, Jeff Zucker and one of his producers.
Zucker: “So, I noticed during the shows you guys will stop talking about impeachment. Sometimes for like 5 minutes. What’s that about?”
Producer: “Those are the commercials, sir.”
Zucker: “Don’t give me that. Not today. If you want to take a break from impeachment and let Chevron talk—THEY’D BETTER BE TALKING ABOUT IMPEACHMENT, DAMN IT!”
Update: Jeff Zucker is currently trying to determine if all of Project Veritas’ video views can count towards CNN’s October ratings.
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