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Media patiently waiting for Hunter Biden to become Ukrainian energy expert before interviewing him

Media patiently waiting for Hunter Biden to become Ukrainian energy expert before interviewing him

As the nation becomes more curious about Hunter Biden’s foreign business dealings, media members are urging patience.

“Hunter who? Who is Hunter Biden?” NBC’s Chuck Todd initially asked The Glorious American before realizing our question never used Hunter’s last name.

“Oh. Yeah,” Todd sheepishly continued. “Well, we media members agreed it would only be fair to give Hunter 30 or 40 months to bone-up on the latest in Ukrainian energy. We wouldn’t want to come across using ‘gotcha journalism’, right?”

As Chuck Todd became increasingly fidgety and began sweating profusely, he asked if he could take a break from our interview and make a quick call.

“Damn it, Hunter! Are you a Ukrainian energy expert yet? It’s been over a month!” Todd could clearly be heard yelling across the room into a phone.

“What?!” he screamed. “You’re at Chuck E. Cheese’s?! Do you have any idea how–”

Then Todd, sensing how loud he was being hollered over to us, “Kids! Am I right? What can you do?” he asked with a nervous laugh.

The interview soon ended after Todd became raging mad upon learning his kid was doing blow. A bubble situation, we were assured.

It seems we won’t be seeing an official Hunter Biden interview anytime soon.

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