
Ted Wheeler: ‘If Trump’s America Is So Great, How Am I The Mayor Of Portland?’

Ted Wheeler: ‘If Trump’s America Is So Great, How Am I The Mayor Of Portland?’

The Democratic mayor of Portland, Oregon said on Sunday that it’s President Trump who is responsible for turning his city into a fiery, lawless, hotspot of death and suffering.  He believes Portland has deteriorated because Donald Trump became a white supremacist around 2015 after Democrats specifically asked him not to.  

Speaking at a news conference, Mayor Ted Wheeler asked, “If Trump’s America is so great, how is it that I’m in charge of a major American city?  It’s getting to the point where you can’t even safely wear a man bun in Portland.  They catch on fire easily.”

Wheeler elaborated. 

“This President kept calling me all weekend asking for permission to send in federal troops.  Each time I screamed into the phone, ‘call me when you’re willing to help!’ and I eventually threw my phone into the river.  Now he owes me an iPhone X.”

Wheeler also made the point that it’s unlikely a man named “Ted” would make for a weak leader.

Update:  Acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf became irritated with the mayor’s remarks and tweeted, “My last name is really Anderson.  If Wheeler doesn’t wise-up soon, he’ll learn why they call me Wolf.”

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