Oopsie! After 33 Months And $40 Million, Mueller Accidentally Forgot Everything

Oopsie!  After 33 Months And $40 Million, Mueller Accidentally Forgot Everything

We’ve all had those momentary lapses of memory. You walk in a room and forget why you entered, or you cannot recall the name of a well-known actor. It can be a little embarrassing. Now imagine how awkward it must have been for Robert Mueller on Wednesday, when he accidentally forgot everything about everything during his testimony on national television.

“To be fair, Mr. Mueller only had 33 months to prep for this,” Adam Schiff said.

Many watching the testimony could see the former FBI director was in for a long day after this initial exchange:

“Good morning, Director Mueller. How are you today?” representative Nadler asked.
“Uuumm. What?” a confused Mueller asked
“Oh, I just said, how are you today?” Nadler repeated.
“Oh. Uhhh. That’s beyond my purview at this time,” Mueller said.

Other notable moments consisted of Mueller pulling a set of keys from his pockets and yelling, “whose keys are these?” Also, shortly before a recess, Mueller believed Dianne Feinstein to be his kid sister and was told to stop flicking rubber bands at her.

After three hours of testimony, Robert Mueller eventually said “Orange man bad” and the Democrats erupted with applause.

“Oh boy, our guy Mueller really brought the heat when he said ‘Orange man bad’, didn’t he?” Rachel Maddow asked her audience. “Nothing gets by that mind.”

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