Millions Of Rural Americans Call White House From Payphone To Tell Them How Stupid Kamala Harris Is

Millions Of Rural Americans Call White House From Payphone To Tell Them How Stupid Kamala Harris Is

Willie Brown’s ex-girlfriend, Kamala Harris, really stepped in it when she suggested “rural” residents can’t even do simple things, like find a Kinko’s or burn down their own city.

Also, in the controversial interview, Harris mocked red America by pointing out they spend their days making things like bacon, grain, and corn. 

“All of which can easily be found in the grocery store!” she blurted out before cackling herself off the chair. 

Now the switchboards at the White House are lighting up from furious rural Americans using payphones to give them a piece of their mind.

“Go on– ya’ll send Kamala down here. Us country folk haven’t seen a real clown show in some time, and we’re all hankerin’ for a good laugh,” one voicemail said.

Biden, who often hangs with the gals in the switchboard room to sniff their hair, began answering the angry calls to stick up for Harris. 

“You leave the camel woman alone!  You folks don’t know the disgusting things she’s done to get where she is.  I mean, they were absolutely filthy!” Joe yelled into a phone.  “Now you people have got me madder than a stuffed pig’s ponytail caught in Jerry Nadler’s frog trap!  So don’t be egg-suckin’ sassafras all over my dill pickle patch—ya hear?  How much clearer can I be?”

Update:  As punishment for another disastrous week, Joe Biden has given Kamala Harris 24 hours to solve the crime epidemic, inflation, and all overseas conflicts. 

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