
Footage Of Biden Talking About Kids Touching His Leg Hair Used To Slow Migrant Surge

Footage Of Biden Talking About Kids Touching His Leg Hair Used To Slow Migrant Surge

EL PASO, TX–The Biden administration is still dumbfounded that the promise of free healthcare, education, and cash hasn’t slowed the surge of illegal immigrants into America.  Therefore, the frustrated border control team has set up a visual deterrent to dissuade the migrants from crossing. A horrifying one.

Un-Vaxxed T-Shirt Un-Vaxxed T-Shirt

Playing on a loop, footage of Joe Biden talking about kids playing with his leg hair is now being projected on a screen along a popular path used by the migrants.   

“I got hairy legs!  And they turn blonde in the sun!” can be heard blaring from giant speakers.  “And the kids used to come up and reach into the pool…”

Around that portion of the video, hundreds of panicked mothers usually yell, “Santa Maria!” and cover their children’s ears. 

The video has not slowed the migrants.  However, now after seeing the video, they all run to border patrol agents and demand to know, “Donde repugnante pervertido?”  When the agents point northeast towards Washington D.C., they quickly scurry into California.

Upon hearing that news, Kamala Harris told ICE, “No! we already got California!  Tell them they’ll only be safe from Pervertido in Texas and Ohio!”

Update:  After gracing the migrants with her awkward and haunting cackle, Kamala Harris has asked the Mexicans to stop referring to her as ‘the devil witch.’

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