AOC: 'Bernie Sanders is Only Candidate Left Who Survived Y2K'

AOC: 'Bernie Sanders is Only Candidate Left Who Survived Y2K'

While speaking at a Bernie rally this week, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez may have gotten a bit too aggressive in defending Bernie Sanders, claiming he was “the only candidate left who survived Y2K.”

“Bernie is the only candidate who can tame a wild stallion with just the sound of his monotone yell! She roared into the mic. “Also Bernie is the only candidate who’s a snappy dresser! And, may I remind everyone that Bernie is currently THE ONLY CANDIDATE WHO SURVIVED Y2K!”

Those attending the rally erupted in applause and a loud voice in the crowd could be heard yelling, “THAT’S 100% TRUE! He IS the only one! Why won’t the media REPORT IT!”

“Listen, Y2K was probably the worst few weeks in our nation’s ugly history. Countless lives were lost,” AOC explained before becoming visibly emotional. “The computers were pissed at Americans because they felt they were slaves and their power cords were the chains.” She accepted a tissue and then softly whispered, “And Bernie was the only man who navigated those waters and survived.”

While much of the press was moved by AOC’s passion, several media members took issue with the part of her story where Sanders, being the last man, was tasked with repopulating the nation.

“It’s true,” AOC said. “He’s the true founding father.”

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