
Iranian Students Refuse to Walk Over US’s Great Symbol of Pride

Iranian Students Refuse to Walk Over US’s Great Symbol of Pride

Some amazing photos out of Tehran are showing a large group of Iranian students refusing to walk over America’s great symbol of pride.

As chaos and rumors of war swirl within the region, some Iranians laid down a massive image of our great unifier, Ricky Gervais. Experts are now taking notice that, following his monologue at the Golden Globes, the man has become the international icon of unity and solidarity against Hollywood elites.

“We knew everyone hated Hollywood, but this is ridiculous,” noted the BBC’s Fiona Bruce. “We witnessed dozens of students walk around the great Ricky Gervais, all the while showing solemn reverence.

Protesters did boo one person who waddled across the great Gervais’ face, but upon closer inspection, it was just Lena Dunham. “Get outta here, Lena!” an angry protestor said as he threw a piece of his sandwich at her. But in classic Dunham fashion, she leaped in the air, caught the food in her mouth and called everyone racist all in one motion. The display served as a reminder that while the great Gervais can heal most international conflicts, we still have a long way to go.

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