Bill Maher Hopes Democrats Stop Acting So Stupid So He Can Go Back To Calling Republicans Stupid

Bill Maher Hopes Democrats Stop Acting So Stupid So He Can Go Back To Calling Republicans Stupid

Bill Maher has made a career by telling everyone how stupid republicans are.  Unfortunately for Bill, the democrats have been on a mission to be significantly more stupid.

During a recent filming of Real Time with Bill Maher, the comedian was anxious to get to his favorite part of the show: ripping on conservatives.  But Bill hadn’t realized that he just spent 58 minutes of his hour-long show begging the left to stop being such idiots.

“And another new rule for liberals:  STOP praising communism and asking to bring sharia law to America!  And now FINALLY, can you believe those crazy republicans?” Maher asked with a smirk.  But before he could dive into his joke the show’s director yelled, “OK, that’s a wrap!  Great show—see you all next week!”  

“Democrats are kind of ruining my whole shtick,” a disappointed Maher lamented.  “For the party that is just jam-packed with brilliant thought leaders, they’ve been on a real streak of being complete jack assess.  If I was one of those guys who mocked liberals, business would be booming.”  

Bill Maher continues to have hope that one day before he retires, he’ll see a week where democrats aren’t leaps and bounds dumber than republicans.    

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