On Wednesday morning, ABC announced the addition of former White House press secretary, Sean Spicer, to next season’s “Dancing with the Stars” cast.
On Friday morning, the roving pitchfork-wielding gang of protestors outside ABC headquarters had the network executives withdrawing the invitation to Spicer.
“We decided that Sean Spicer is just a little too political for DWTS,” said producer, Phil Heyes. “Choosing a contestant that’s all wrapped up into politics? No thank you!”
Within minutes of releasing Spicer, ABC announced George Soros as his replacement.
“Now THIS is the type of contestant everyone can get behind!” one of the protestors commented as he packed up his signs and torch. “A sweet old man who’s never rubbed anyone the wrong way.”
“Dancing with the Stars” host, Tom Bergeron, is terrified of Sean Spicer and has barricaded himself in his Beverley Hills mansion. “We’ll alert him of the casting change,” the producers said. “In a few weeks.”
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