Unable To Void His Degree, Harvard Asks Ben Shapiro To Forget Everything He Learned There

Unable To Void His Degree, Harvard Asks Ben Shapiro To Forget Everything He Learned There

After Harvard University’s unsuccessful attempt to void Ben Shapiro’s degree, the school has formally requested the well-known conservative to forget everything that was taught to him while he attended.

Sources tell The Glorious American there was a mob of angry progressives demanding Shapiro’s acceptance letter to Harvard be retroactively rescinded.

“We had our best lawyers extensively research the possibility of that,” said Dean of Admissions, William Fitzsimmons. “But we learned that would involve a fair amount of time travel. Asking Ben to just remove the knowledge we gave him is our only route,” he concluded.

At first, when Ben heard of the college’s demand he was both astonished and astounded. But once he composed himself, his response to Harvard was lighting fast.

“Oh, I see. I’ll get right on that, gang. That is to say, as soon as they fully refund me the $390,000 I paid them,” quipped Shapiro.

Update: Harvard did not agree to refund Ben.

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