Don Lemon Accidentally Opens Show With “Hi, Mom” As Ratings Hit Record Low

Don Lemon Accidentally Opens Show With “Hi, Mom” As Ratings Hit Record Low

ATLANTA, GA–CNN host Don Lemon made an embarrassing and quite telling slip-up Tuesday night.

“Hi, Mom.” Lemon accidentally said to begin his nightly show.

Apparently aware of recent reports explaining CNN’s record low ratings, the host assumed it was just his mother watching.

“Ummm, I mean… Hi, AMERICA,” Lemon tried to correct. “ I sometimes call America ‘Mom’. Because… ya know, this is the like the mother country… to some”

The show fell off the rails even further when a producer was clearly heard yelling, “Oh, screw it, Don! Say whatever you want. Say the F-word if you want–nobody’s watching!”

Lemon agreed and he eventually just called his mom from his cell phone while still being live on air.

“Yeah, I forgot to act like I had an audience again,” a depressed Lemon said into the phone. “The producer yelled at me again. I’m pretty sure he’s a racist.”

After spending a large portion of his A-block quietly listening to his mother on his cell phone.  Lemon said, “Well Mom, at least you’ll always watch my show.”

Then the smile quickly left Don’s face.

“WHAT?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU’RE WATCHING HANNITY?!” he screamed before storming off the set.

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