
Trump Reclaims White House Using Eminent Domain

Trump Reclaims White House Using Eminent Domain

Well, that was fast. 

Using some clever court filings, Donald Trump was able to immediately reclaim the White House using eminent domain.

As construction for “Trump Tower Swamp” begins, some MAGA hat-wearing city planners agreed that the White House property makes the most sense for a parking structure.  The tower will be directly in front of the Washington Monument, and Donald Trump has insisted it be forty-five feet taller. 

As the Biden family was approaching the property, their car was met by Trump himself.  “Not so fast, Joey Boy!” Donald yelled while waving paperwork.  “A very fine and very Catholic Supreme Court Judge has agreed that this house is directly in the way of what some might call…progress.  So I hate to sound rude, but I need the dummy to get the hell outta here!”

With some of the rhinoceros steroids still in his system from the inauguration, Joe Biden demanded he not be mocked any longer.

“Relax, Joe. I was talking to Jill,” Trump yelled as the car drove away. 

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