Defense attorneys for team Rittenhouse have asked the judge for a mistrial after the drone footage provided showed the 17-year-old whipping migrants on horseback.
“Your Honor, this is not the same footage we received. This version is a poorly doctored video of Kyle on a horse. And the footage we have is of the rapists handing Kyle a notarized letter-of-intent to kill him and then pointing their guns at him,” Rittenhouse’s defense informed the judge.
“Is that true, you stupid liars? Sounds like something you idiots would do,” the judge said.
“Hmmm, is that what we gave them?” Binger asked putting on his glasses and pretending to scroll through emails. “Ya know, I’m more of a Mac guy. So I don’t know how to pixelate my ram drive. So I think we should just stick with the horse footage. Cool?”
Now furious, the judge requested the bailiff hand him the AR-15.
“Ya know? How about, instead of shooting him, you declare a mistrial?” the defense lawyer quickly suggested.
Just then, the fake footage of Kyle turned into an old Packers/Seahawks game.
“You really fabricated evidence over an old NFL tape?” the judge asked not bothering to look up as he loaded the weapon.
“NO! Uuhh…this is Kyle too, you guys! He’s wearing number 54. Oh my goodness, he’s in blackface! And he just tackled someone! And the guy he tackled was black! We’ve got him now!” Binger celebrated.
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