
Jill Biden Warns Hispanics Trump ‘Nacho Average Politician,’ And ‘Planning Hostile Taco-ver’

Jill Biden Warns Hispanics Trump ‘Nacho Average Politician,’ And ‘Planning Hostile Taco-ver’

SAN ANTONIO, TX– First Lady and accomplished heart surgeon Doctor Jill Biden MD attempted to connect with Latinos Monday when she said they were as unique as “breakfast tacos.”

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“Hola, LaTinks, and LaTinlets! I hope you’re all feeling very.. uhh, como se dice.. tinky today!” She yelled to a confused audience. “I know 78% of you like the former President now, but I want to spill the beans on something. He is nacho average politician. And his QAnon army is planning a Hostile Taco-ver! Even worse, Donald Trump doesn’t see you people as individuals. Us Democrats know that some Mexicans are a mild people. Some are hot. While others are Diablo. Really all the sauces when you think about it.”

After her remarks seemed to anger the Latino crowd, Dr. Jill quickly promised two El Caminos in every garage and some carnitas in every oven. She was then chased off the stage.

Later that afternoon, the National Association of Hispanic Journalists scolded the first lady’s remarks, stating, “We are not all tacos, you dumb b—-. We’re human people. If you’re not going to shut the border, at least shut your fat mouth. Trump 2024!”

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